martes, 20 de enero de 2015

Práctica 2

Thesis statement: We have to stop the corruption of the political class by regenerating the way the country is controlled.

  1. They play with public money.
    1. Some cases of politicians buying drugs.
    2. They meet in prostibules.
    3. Monago has travelled with public money.
  2. People do not believe in Democracy any more.
    1. Traditional parties are affected by corruption
    2. A lot of people do not vote.
    3. Radical points of view arise.
  3. Corruption is inherent to power.
    1. Machiavelo's theory.
    2. 'Podemos' as the party without power.
    3. First-line politicians in prison.
  4. The solution is a regeneration.
    1. Changing the rules and laws.
    2. More power for the police.
    3. A new period in the history of our Democracy.

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