martes, 20 de enero de 2015

Práctica 3

Have you ever thought about your life without the Internet? Many people spend lots of hours in front of their computers just watching videos about cats or people falling in a brand new way. Even at work they open webs like Facebook or any other social network and spend there a time that later will cause the drop in their productivity rates. People have a problem with the Internet because of procastination, but also other issuesare derived from the use of this tool: a lack of privacy and a risk for children.

These problems that are generated because of a bad use of the Internet and has to be changed or fixed. For example, there must be more control from the enterprise about how long employees navigate. I recently saw in 'El País' that a lot of people are experiencing drops in their productivity because of social networks.

Secondly, when you think about how many people know about your life because of your social network updates, then you realize that we are dealing with a big privacy problem. Moreover, this information is not usually seen only by your friends. Many companies pay in order to know what you like on Facebook. People should be more aware of the information they share.

The last problem I want to refer to is the danger that exists on the Internet for children and teenagers. There are many cases of girls who have shared private photos and, later on, they have problems. Fortunately, the police in developed countries is really aware of these cases and they have under control most of the people that use internet because of the scanning of IPs.

To end with, it is important to know that the Internet is going to be with us in the future. This, it is going to have the same problems as today. Therefore we need to control it with our own rules, the help of the police and the control over our children, People need to be more aware of this because there are many problems and, in the future, there will be more, because this tool is extraordinary and powerful but risky...

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