sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014

Against Romeo and Juliet

I don’t know if anyone of you have read Romeo and Juliet but, for me it is a story that has little or no sense at all. I will try to explain my point of view to you in the next lines. For example, how deep is a love when you have just been two times with your lover? Is it enough that time to be able to kill yourself because of love? One possible explanation is the fact that both Romeo and Juliet are youngsters and it was their first love. Because of that, they had a feeling that was new and unknown for them and this feeling could have leaded them to die.

If you accept this theory as an answer to the “incongruence” of the deaths, then we must also say that the worldwide accepted idea of this play being a really inspiring story of love is not accurate. How can it be the most beautiful story of love this one when they don’t experience even a 1% of the “mysteries” of love? They just declare love and say 3 or 4 beautiful sentences to each other! There are much more beautiful stories of love out there. Let me just remind you about García Márquez or Pablo Neruda.

On the other hand, Romeo and Juliet is a classic written between 1591 and 1595. We can’t apply the standards of today’s literature to this play. I mean that the metaphors and words used to seduce by the lovers can’t be rated with today’s standards. Here I must accept that they are good examples of a nice use of poetry. However, what I am criticizing here is the overall sense of congruence, the merit of being acknowledged as a great love story. For me it is just a basic classic story which is good to introduce people to love stories but there is nothing really spectacular. 

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